Frequently Asked Questions

1Can I pay my services bill online? Learn more.
You can do so by clicking this Payment Link
2Can I pay my services bill using ACH? Learn more.
Yes, you can pay via ACH using the following banking information: Wells Fargo 420 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94104 USA Account No. 3652967690 Routing No. 061000227 SWIFT/BIC Code WFBIUS6SXXX
3What APN is used for Simplex Wireless service?
The access point name (APN) used by Simplex Wireless is simplex.iot
4How do I access the Simplex Dashboard?
The Simplex Wireless dashboard can be accessed at the Simplex Portal. If you have an issue logging in you can open a support ticket using our online form at Contact Us.
5Can I see if my SIM is online and in data sessions?
Yes, In the Simplex Portal you go to Device Details & Actions -> Select and ICCID and then go to the "Real-Time Lookup" tab to view the SIM card information.
6Can I see the location of the device?
Yes. Same as prior you can see information on each individual SIM card. Look into the section "Country" to see where your SIM card is located.
7Can I see what IP address does the device has for the current data session?
Yes. Look into the section "Current IP-Address" to see.
8Can Simplex Wireless see device activity and data traffic from the device in the network?
Simplex Wireless can only see the signaling coming from the network if it reaches Simplex Wireless network nodes. Simplex wireless CANNOT see any of the payload data.
9Does your SIM support SMS?
Yes, both Mobile originated (MO SMS) and Application originated (AO SMS).
10Does your SIM support Voice?
No, we do not support voice as this is not a mobile consumer service.
11How do I know if you support my current mobile operator / connectivity provider on your BYOO service?
We support more than +80% of all platform flavours out there so the likelyhood is very high. The exact onboarding can however vary so please contact us for more details on how we can optimize your current SIM card connections.
12Which Countries are included in the SPX Trial?
The 159 countries offered are: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Anguilla, Antigua, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Bermuda, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, British Virgin Island, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cote de Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, Faeroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Lao People Democratic, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao Special Admin, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Netherland Antilles, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, St. Barthelemy, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Martin, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, The Saints and Desirade, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkey, Turks & Caicos Isl., Uganda, UK / Channel Islands, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Viet Nam, Zambia
13Which Countries are included in the SPX Prepaid?
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America
14What operators are you using in each country?
Please send us a message and we can provide you with the full list.
15Do you have coverage maps per operator?
Please follow this link to the official coverage map per operator and access technology on the GSMA website: GSMA Coverage Map
16How do I get API access?
We offer API access to our Post Paid Enterprise customers. If you have questions about this please send us a note. Please send us a message and we can provide you the full documentation.
17We have put together a short encyclopedia / dictionary for Internet of things (IoT) terms.
Acronym Spelled Out
1FFPlastics SIM card size (1) form factor, fullsize
1NCE IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that inspires us at Simplex Wireless to offer pre-paid services of the €10 for 10 year with 500MB type of package
1oT IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
2FFPlastics SIM card size (2) form factor, mini
2GSecond-generation mobile telephone system
3FFPlastics SIM card size (3) form factor, micro
3GThird Generation (mobile communication system)
3G HSPAThird-Generation High-Speed Packet Access
3GIPThird Generation Internet Protocol
3GPPThird Generation Partnership Project
3GSMThird-generation Global System for Mobile (communications)
4FFPlastics SIM card size (4) form factor, nano
4GFourth Generation
5GFifth-generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks
5G Americas
5G Automotive Association
5G Deterministic Networking Alliance (5GDNA)
5G Infrastructure Association
5G Media Action Group (5G-MAG)
A1 Digital International IoT Connectivity ServiceForward leaning approach with good foothold in both Europe and LATAM.
Accenture IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry partner that makes us at Simplex Wireless think about the complete end-to-end delivery
AIArtificial Intelligence
APAccess Point
APIApplication Programming Interface
APNAccess Point Name
Apple WatchApple smart watch and consumer IoT device
ARIBAssociation of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB)
ASPApplication Service Provider
AT&T IoT Connectivity ServiceThe largest mobile operator in North America and trend creator
ATISAlliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS)
Automotive Edge Computing Consortium (AECC)
AWSAmazon Webservices
AWS IoTInventive partner with a great market place for IoT enablement
AzureMicrosoft Azure
Bell Canada IoT Connectivity ServiceSolid mobile operator originating out of Canada and enabling North American connectivity.
BGPBorder Gateway Protocol
BootstrapPreloaded SIM profile on an eUICC which enables the device to initially access a mobile network
BPSBits Per Second
Broadband India Forum
BSSBusiness Support System
BT IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
BundleTraffic bundle business model
BYOOBring Your Own Operator. A very advanced and powerful feature for all Enterprises with existing SIM deployments from other mobile service providers other than Simplex.
CCSAChina Communications Standards Association (CCSA)
CCTVClosed-circuit television
Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI)
China Mobile IoT Connectivity ServiceGateway operator into China and enabler for connectivity in the region.
China Society of Automotive Engineers (CSAE)
China Telecom IoT Connectivity ServiceGateway operator into China and enabler for connectivity in the region.
China Unicom IoT Connectivity ServiceGateway operator into China and enabler for connectivity in the region.
CIDCell IDentification number
CILCall Identification Line
CIPCarrier Identification Parameter
Cisco IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry enabler for mobile operators with its subscription management platform.
Claro IoT Connectivity ServiceGateway operator into Brazil and enabler for connectivity in the region.
CLICalling Line Identification
CLIDCalling Line IDentifier
CLIPCaller Line Identification Presentation
CLPCell Loss Priority
CLSCurrent Level of Service
CMConnection Manager
CMAPConnection Management Access Protocol
CMASCellular Messaging Alert System
CMIPCommon Management Information Protocol
CMISCommon Management Information Service
CMOSCellular Management Operation System
CMPConnection Management Procedure
CMRSCommercial Mobile Radio Services
CMSCall Management System
CPECustomer Premise Equipment
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CSL IoT Connectivity ServiceAPAC cellular enabler and solid service provider with wide footprint.
CSPConnectivity Service Provider
CSP GatewayCSP Gateways are high performance, redundant gateways which run in the Regional Sites and terminate APNs using IPSec or fiber connections
Cubic Telecom IoT Connectivity ServiceOur inspiration in the Automotive vertical who has made significant contributions in moving that industry forward.
DCPEricsson's subscription management platform, now days called IoTA
DDoSDistributed Denial of Service
Deutsche Telekom IoT Connectivity ServiceA stable giant with broad global footprint and knowledgeable staff.
DNSDomain Name System
DSLDigital Subscriber Line
Egress SiteThese are special Regional Sites where only CG-NAT is hosted for egress pinning
EIDEmbedded Identity Document, eUICC identifier
EIoTEnterprise IoT
Electronic toll collection systemsTypical use-case for automotive, transportation systems and logistic optimisations
Elisa IoT Connectivity ServiceForward leaning operator in the Nordics that contributes to the regions development.
EMEA Satellite Operators Association (ESOA)
Emergency notification systems.Typical IoMT use-case
Enterprise GatewayThe Enterprise Gateway is a Programmable Virtual Private Cloud router spun as a private network for the customers
Enterprise IoTRefers to devices used in business and corporate settings
eSIMembedded SIM (Usually this term is used in the mobile industry to refer to the profile that is downloaded into the eUICC)
ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
eUICCembedded Universal Integrated Circuit Card
EUMeUICC Manufacturer
Farming IoTCollecting data on temperature, rainfall, humidity, wind speed, pest infestation, and soil content
floLIVE IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name
FTPFile Transport Protocol
G+DGiesecke+Devrient, EUM company
GCPGoogle Cloud Platform
Global Certification Forum (GCF)
Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA)
Global SIM cardUsually refers to a single physical SIM card that can be used in any country in the world
Google Cloud IOT CoreInventive partner with a great market place for IoT enablement
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GSMAGSM Association
GUIGraphical User Interface
HDSLHigh-Speed Digital Subscriber Line
HLRHome Location Register (also called HSS)
Hologram IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
HTMLHyperText Markup Language
HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol
ICCIDIntegrated Circuit Card Identification Number
IDEIntegrated development environment
iFaaSIntegration Function as a Service
IIoTIndustrial internet of things
IMEIInternational Mobile Equipment Identity
IMSIInternational Mobile Subscriber Identity
Inter- and intra-vehicular communicationTypical use-case for automotive, transportation systems and logistic optimisations
IoEInternet of Everything
IoMTInternet of Medical Things
iOSApple operating system on iPhone's and iPad's
IoTInternet of Things
IoT connectivityUsually refers to SIM cards with tailor made technical and commercial conditions to support global/regional/national deployments of connected devices (in opposite to consumer mobile devices such as e.g. smart phones)
IoT dashboardA webbased portal for singel pane of glass overview over your IoT subscriptions and their commercial and technical behaviors
IoT SIM cardsUsually refers to SIM cards with tailor made technical and commercial conditions to support global/regional/national deployments of connected devices (in opposite to consumer mobile devices such as e.g. smart phones)
IoTAEricsson's IoT Accelerator platform
IPInternet Protocol
IPV6 Forum
ISPInternet Service Provider
ITInformation Technology
JPU IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry enabler for mobile (virtual) operators with its subscription management platform.
JT Jersey telecom IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
KORE Wireless IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
KPN IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
LANLocal Area Network
LDLong Distance
Logistics and fleet managementTypical use-case for automotive, transportation systems and logistic optimisations
LoLoLoLo Company and SDWAN provider.
LoRaWANLong Range Wide Area Network
LPALocal Profile Assistant
LPWALow Power, Wide Area
LPWANLow Power Wide Area Network
LTELong Term Evolution
LTE Cat 1This is the bread and butter of telematic connectivity technologies. Higher data streaming throughput (up to 10 Mbps), lower latency for wake-up applications, broader global coverage.
LTE Cat 4For high data throughput. These modems can hit 150 Mbps, more than ten times the throughput of their CAT 1 counterparts. They are also complex, more expensive, require multiple antennas, and are power hungry
LTE Cat M1A Low Power technology within the LTE frequency spectrum. Very low power, long range, low cost. Lower data rate (~375 kbps) in typical half duplex configuration, higher latency.
LTE CAT NB1also referred to as NB-IoT. Very low power, long range, low cost. Lower data rate (~375 kbps) in typical half duplex configuration, higher latency.
M2MMachine to machine
M2M SIM cardsUsually refers to SIM cards with tailor made technical and commercial conditions to support global/regional/national deployments of connected devices (in opposite to consumer mobile devices such as e.g. smart phones)
MACMedia Access Control
Maritime IoTIoT devices are in use monitoring the environments and systems of boats and yachts
MEMSMobility Enterprise Managed Services
MFF, MFF-2Solderable SIM card size form factor
Microsoft Azure IoTInventive partner with a great market place for IoT enablement
MNOMobile Network Operator
Monogoto IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry enabler with its subscription management platform.
MPLSMulti-Protocol Label Switching
MQTTMQ Telemetry Transport is a lightweight, publish-subscribe, machine to machine network protocol
MSISDNMobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number
MTN IoT Connectivity ServiceGateway operator into Africa and enabler for connectivity in the region.
MVNOMobile Virtual Network Operator
NB-IoTNarrow Band IoT (LPWAN technology)
Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN)
NIDNetwork Interface Device
NTT DOCOMO IoT Connectivity ServiceGateway operator into Japan and enabler for connectivity in the region.
Optus IoT Connectivity ServiceGateway operator into Australia and enabler for connectivity in the region.
Orange Business Services IoT Connectivity ServiceForward leaning operator that contributes to the industry development.
ORBCOMM IoT Connectivity ServiceSatellite IoT enabler and a longterm player in the industry
P2PPoint to Point
PAYGPay as you go business model
PCCW IoT Connectivity ServiceAPAC cellular enabler and solid service provider with wide footprint.
PDFPortable Document Format
Pelion IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
PGWPacket Data Network (PDN) Gateway used interchangeably with User Plane Function or UPF in 5G
PINPersonal Identification Number
POSPoint of Sales (e.g. mobile payment terminal)
PRIPrimary Rate Interface
Public Safety Communication Europe (PSCE) Forum
PVPCProgrammable Virtual Private Cloud
QoSQuality of Service
RAMRandom Access Memory
RANRadio Access Network
Regional SiteRegional Sites are one of the global sites where the PVPC traffic plane is hosted.
Remote health monitoringTypical IoMT use-case
REST APIRESTful API, an architectural style for building web services that interact via an HTTP protocol
RFIDRadio-frequency identification
Rogers IoT Connectivity ServiceSolid mobile operator originating out of Canada and enabling North American connectivity.
RSPRemote SIM Provisioning
Safety and road assistanceTypical use-case for automotive, transportation systems and logistic optimisations
SASSecurity Accreditation Scheme
SATCOMSatellite Communications
SD-WANSoftware-Defined Wide Area Networking
Sigfox IoT Connectivity ServiceLPWAN technology focused and competitor to cellular based LPWAN technologies like LoRa and Cat M1.
SIMSubscriber Identity Module
SIM card numberUsually refers to the IMSI, ICCID or MSISDN
SimetricSubscription management provider
Simplex Wireless (SPX)Simplifies the adaptation of cellular device connectivity for anyone anything anywhere
Singtel IoT Connectivity ServiceForward leaning operator in APAC that contributes to the regions development.
SIoTSocial Internet of things focuses the importance of social interaction and relationship between IoT devices. SIoT is a pattern of how cross-domain IoT devices enabling application to application communication and collaboration without human intervention in order to serve their owners with autonomous services, and this only can be realized when gained low-level architecture support from both IoT software and hardware engineering.
SIPSession Initiation Protocol
SLAService Level Agreement
SM-DP+Enhanced Subscription Manager – Data Preparation
Small Cell Forum
Smart parkingTypical use-case for automotive, transportation systems and logistic optimisations
Smart traffic controlTypical use-case for automotive, transportation systems and logistic optimisations
SMS-CShort Message Service Center
Soracom IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
Sustainable IoTEnvironmental monitoring applications of the IoT typically use sensors to assist in environmental protection by monitoring air or water quality, atmospheric or soil conditions, and can even include areas like monitoring the movements of wildlife and their habitats.
Swisscom IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
T-Mobile IoT Connectivity ServiceA stable giant with broad global footprint and knowledgeable and experienced staff.
Tata Communications IoT Connectivity ServiceForward leaning operator in India that contributes to the regions development.
TD Industry Alliance
Tech Mahindra IoT Connectivity ServiceForward leaning operator in India that contributes to the regions development.
Tele2 IoT IoT Connectivity ServiceForward leaning operator in the Nordics that contributes to the regions development.
Telefónica IoT Connectivity ServiceInventive industry peer that enables/pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
Telenor Connexion IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry veterans that enables us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
Telia Company IoT Connectivity ServiceForward leaning operator in the Nordics that contributes to the regions development.
Telstra IoT Connectivity ServiceGateway operator into Australia and enabler for connectivity in the region.
TELUS IoT Connectivity ServiceSolid mobile operator originating out of Canada and enabling North American connectivity.
TLSTransport Layer Security
Truphone IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
TSDSITelecommunications Standards Development Society (TSDSI)
TTATelecommunications Technology Association (TTA)
TTCTelecommunication Technology Committee (TTC)
Twilio IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry peer that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
UICCUniversal Integrated Circuit Card
UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System
UNIUser Network Interface
URLUniform Resource Locator
Vehicle controlTypical use-case for automotive, transportation systems and logistic optimisations
Vehicle diagnosticsTypical use-case for automotive, transportation systems and logistic optimisations
Verizon IoT Connectivity ServiceForward leaning operator in the USA that contributes to the regions development.
Vodafone IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry enabler and giant that pushed Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with.
VPCVirtual Private Cloud
VPNVirtual Private Network
WANWide Area Network
Wearable heart monitorsTypical IoMT use-case
Webbing IoT Connectivity ServiceInventive industry peer and enabler that pushes us at Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with
Wireless Broadband Alliance
Wireless Logic IoT Connectivity ServiceIndustry enabler and giant that pushed Simplex Wireless to become better and easier to work with.
18Network Selection? How does the SIM card select the network?
The Simplex SIM cards vs. A local SIM: The Simplex global SIM card is a roaming SIM card. The Simplex SIM card allows your device to connected to multiple networks with-in the country, for example in USA and Canada the Simplex SIM can use all the major carriers. This advantage can in some cases lead to slightly longer connection establishment times as the device has more enabled options to choose from. This can be compared to a local SIM that only works in one network in one country. Note: If the device has a roaming configuration (allow roaming) - ensure its enabled.

The Simplex SIM: Simplex Wireless does not apply network selection using the SIM card. Signaling between device (modem) and network will determine and match the capabilities of the device and the available networks/bearers, allowing the device to make decisions on what network it connects to. Different devices and manufacturers have different procedures for establishing a data connection. A requirement and must is that they all follow the guiding principles from GSMA.

How does the Device / Modem select the network: The device scans for available networks and attempts to the first network it sees, if it is allowed to connect to it, it will attach to it. The signal strength has to be in a level where the device is able to communicate to the network or “good enough”.

Manual Selection: If automatic selection fails or if the user prefers, most mobile devices allow manual network selection. This way, the user can choose from a list of available networks, typically accessed through the device's network settings menu. This method requires the user to have some knowledge or preference regarding the available networks.

Network Technology Compatibility: Your device will look for networks that are compatible with its technology (GSM, CDMA, LTE, 5G, etc.) and supported bands. If multiple networks with strong signals are found, it can prefer the one offering a better data connection (e.g., choosing a 5G network over a 4G network if the device supports 5G). Default device configuration is typically set as (automatically), ensuring best compatibility. Advanced users can set the desired technology and some devices allow setting even the band(s).

19Troubleshooting Simplex Wireless SIM card cellular connectivity
For Troubleshooting connectivity issues please refer to this page!

Troubleshooting guide