
One-Time Cost For Lifetime Usage

Easy Pricing for any type of low data usage device

 Time period   250mb   500mb   1GB   10GB   50G
 1 year   $5  $7  $10  $90  $400
 2 years   $6  $8  $11  $100  $450
 3 years   $7  $9  $12  $110  $500
 4 years   $8  $10  $13  $120  $550
 5 years   $ 9  $11  $14  $130  $600
 10 years   $10  $12  $15  $140  $650


1 GB of data with 1 year of service = $10 onetime lifetime cost.



  • USA, Canada and Europe country coverage
  • Additional Countries in Enhanced package
  • USA: AT&T, T-Mobile, Canada: Rogers, Bell, Telus, Europe: Major Networks

Making it Simplex

  • Dashboard access to manager your SIM cards
  • No volume or spend commitments
  • No hidden fees (Activation $0)
  • Online TopUp for Data

Additional info

  • SIM/eSIM card fee: Included (volume discounts available)
  • SMS priced separate


Pay-As-You-Go Low Data Devices

Optimal cost for low data usage devices such as Trackers, Fleet, Logistics and Metering devices

USA, Canada, EU Option
Low Data 1
Low Data 2
Low Data 3
Monhtly Fee $0.30 $0.20 $0.10
Price per MB $0.01 $0.013 $0.03


Low Data 3 with 2mb usage = $0.10 + 2*0.030 = $0.16 per sim

Low Data 2 with 10mb usage = $0.20 + 10*0.013 = $0.33 per sim

Low Data 1 with 50mb usage = $0.30 + 50*0.010 = $0.80 per sim



  • USA, Canada and Europe country coverage
  • Contact sales for up to 191 countries
  • USA: AT&T, T-Mobile, Canada: Rogers, Bell, Telus, Europe: Many Networks

Making it Simplex

  • Dashboard access to manager your SIM cards
  • No volume or spend commitments
  • No hidden fees (Activation $0)
  • Customizations available! Talk to Sales!

Additional info

  • SIM/eSIM card fee $2.99 (volume discounts available)
  • SMS priced separate


Pay-As-You-Go High Data Devices

Optimal cost for high data usage devices such as Cameras, Routers, Agriculture and Security

USA, Canada, EU Option
High Data 1
High Data 2
High Data 3
Monhtly Fee $1.00 $2.00 $3.00
Price per GB $5.90 $5.30 $5.00


High Data 1 with 500mb usage = $1.00 + 0.5*5.90 = $3.95 per sim

High Data 2 with 3gb usage = $2.00 + 3*5.30 = $17.90 per sim

High Data 3 with 10gb usage = $3.00 + 10*5.00 = $53.00 per sim



  • USA, Canada and Europe country coverage
  • Contact sales for up to 191 countries
  • USA: AT&T, T-Mobile, Canada: Rogers, Bell, Telus, Europe: Many Networks

Making it Simplex

  • Dashboard access to manager your SIM cards
  • No volume or spend commitments
  • No hidden fees (Activation $0)
  • Customizations available! Talk to Sales!

Additional info

  • SIM/eSIM card fee $2.99 (volume discounts available)
  • SMS priced separate


Bundle - Easy To Manage Shared Pool

Bundle USA, Canada, EU
2 MB $0.29
5 MB $0.33
10 MB $0.38
25 MB $0.58
100 MB $0.99
200 MB $1.90
500 MB $4.50
1 GB $8.90


100 SIMs with 25MB bundle = 100 * $0.58 = $58

Shared data pool calculation: 100 SIM card of 25MB plans will get a shared monthly data pool of 100 * 25MB = 2,500MB (2.5GB). Some SIM cards can use less data and some more data as long as the total is within the shared pool.

Predictable costs with pooled data for any type of device.



  • USA, Canada and Europe country coverage
  • Contact sales for up to 191 countries
  • USA: AT&T, T-Mobile, Canada: Rogers, Bell, Telus, Europe: Many Networks

Making it Simplex

  • Dashboard access to manager your SIM cards
  • No volume or spend commitments
  • No hidden fees (Activation $0)
  • Customizations available! Talk to Sales!

Additional info

  • SIM/eSIM card fee $2.99 (volume discounts available)
  • SMS priced separate


You've Selected Other Countries outside of USA+Europe.

Our SIM card does support 191 countries and over 500 Mobile Networks so we have you covered.
We've kept this pricing page as simple as possible so you will have to talk to sales to get Global pricing. Feel free to browse this page to get an idea of price models and levels we have available.